Friday, July 12, 2013

Making the (stressful) trip to HOUSTON!

So the morning that Char and I were supposed to fly to Houston our travel plan was as follows:

-10am fly from Syracuse to DC
-12:20 fly from DC to Houston

The end!!

but reaaaaaally it went something more like this:

-845am arrive at airport to find ridiculously long line at front counter to check bags(we had already checked in for the flight online the night before).
-wait in said line for about 20 mins before announcement is made that our 10am flight has been moved to 1pm, causing a glitch in our plans since our layover flight was at 1220 out of DC.
-wait for THREE, yes 3, HOURS in same line to make it to the counter to have our flight rebooked.
-1pm fly to DC
-5pm fly from DC to Houston
-Arrive in TX at 8pm TX time (9pm NY/PA time)
-EXHAUSTED AND STRESSED, welcome to your new home!!!

The whole time we were waiting it was really stressful because we had no idea if they had to rebook both our flights or just the connecting flight, and the people all around us were so angry and crazy at times! 

I was not mad at the airline over the flights being delayed (the ones to and from Chicago were completely cancelled so it could have been worse). They can't control the weather...and tell ya what, I'd rather my flight get cancelled/delayed than travel in unsafe flying conditions. Just sayin'.

What I WAS pissed about was the way it was handled by the clerks/attendants/counter people? I don't know what they're called. There were 2 of them at the counter and neither of them seemed to know what they were doing. The line was moving NOWHERE and fast. When they finally brought a third person out over an hour later that person just ended up helping out the 2 clerks that were already there so it didn't make the line move any faster.

2 hours later they brought out a 4th clerk and even then, they had 3 clerks helping one customer!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!

I kept my cool even though I spent the 3 hours frantically texting Ryan (who had no internet at the house in TX and couldn't help us re-book).

The part that I haven't gotten to yet that's super important to how high my stress level was is that I had a 2 yr old and almost 4 yr old in tow. Thankfully they were amazing during this long waiting process. I mean I had trouble standing in the same spot for 3 hours so it was some sort of miracle that they were so good!! There's also no way I would have been able to do it without Char being there. Mason tends to run off when you take your eyes off him, so it was nice to have an extra "chaser", and some company to help take my mind of the ridiculous stress of my "Moving Day".

The boys were actually really good on the first little puddle jumper plane to DC, and then on our second flight they both passed out for most of the 3 hour ride.

All I kept thinking that morning/afternoon was: if this is how I'm off to a start for my move to TX, I'm in trouble! Luckily so far it was NOT a sign of things to come. We're here safe and settled and starting to adjust to life in the hot, humid Gulf Coast of Texas.

Stay tuned..............

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