Friday, May 23, 2014

Are we there yet? (Disney Dollars).

Ryan sent me this picture of Cinderella's Castle the other day and I love it. I love that my big, manly husband loves our Disney trips as much as I do! He always says "Disney does it right." 

We're seriously looking forward to our trip in the first week of July because it will be the first time we have gone as a family of four by ourselves. Last Spring we had extended family with us, and this past fall we were lucky enough to have Krysta join us in our RunDisney fun!

We know we are going during one of the busiest times of the season, with school being out and all, but that is giving us more incentive to just CHILL. We like to stay at Moderate or Deluxe resorts because we do actually like to use the amenities the resorts have to offer, you''ll never find us at the park from open til close. We like to relax instead of just run run run all day and wait in lines for rides. We enjoy the pool, and the restaurants, and all other activities (campfires, jogging trails, kids crafts, etc.)

This trip we'll be staying at the Wilderness Lodge as regular guests, we aren't using our vacation club points to book this trip. We're saving those points for our 2 upcoming Half Marathons so we can actually stay at Bay Lake Tower at Contemporary. We haven't stayed at Wilderness Lodge since our honeymoon, and it is one of our absolute favorites!! We're very excited for all the fun things they have to do there right at the resort. Plus the fact that it's gorgeous doesn't hurt either.

I'm always scouring pinterest and other blogs for new Disney inspiration, and I had seen this neat idea a couple of times floating around the internet and figured the boys were old enough to try it out.
Your kids earn Disney Dollars as a reward for whatever you choose, and you replace it later with actual cash to buy souvenirs at the parks with.

My guys have been earning them for going above and beyond around our house. I've also decided I can take them away for misbehaving.

I found the download for them here, but when I opened the file and saw the dollar increments I knew I had to change them to smaller amounts. No way was either boy going to be earning more than $1 or $5 at a time!! Yikes! $100?!?! Who made this file, someone rolling in dough? (I am actually putting a $25/each total max on their disney dollar accumulations.)

THEIR version:

MY version, photoshopped with smaller $ amounts:

I printed a few sheets, cut them out and let each of the boys decorate their own ziploc bag "bank" that is in a spot that they can reach...taped to the pantry door.

This way when they earn one, they can put it in themselves, and they love it.

So far it's been working as an awesome incentive because they are each hoping to earn enough money to buy their Duffy a new outfit at the parks!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

"It'll be worth it in the end...."

Today I really miss Dad.

Some days I can truck on emotionally, and others I can't.

It probably seems weird, but the new house is really triggering my emotions with missing my Dad, and here's why. 
Being a Surgeon's wife has never been easy. Especially during 5 years of residency and this one year of Fellowship.

I spent 90% of my time being a "single mom" or a "residency widow". I did a lot on my own because I had to. I spent many nights alone because I had to. I went to birthday parties alone with 2 kids, because I had to.

I'm not complaining, it's just the way it is when your husband works 14 hour days.

Whenever I would talk to my dad I would stay upbeat, never let him see if I was frustrated with it at the time we talked...and every time Ryan's crazy schedule was brought up he would say:
"It'll be worth it in the end."

Well, now it's the end, and it has been worth it. Ryan has accepted an amazing position here in Houston, and we just bought our dream house.

But Dad's not here to see that it really was worth it, and that kills me. I want him to see that I/We survived all of Ryan's training and that he's finally an attending, and he'll be home more, and we have a great new home to finally put our roots down in. I wish he could just know that after all of it we'll be OK, in fact better than OK. We're doing great....and I just wish Dad could know.

Birthday Fun!

After learning that my birthday was coming up, Aidan decided he and Mason were going to make me a cake.

They chose their own supplies at the grocery store.

I convinced them to let me split the batter into 2 cakes instead of cupcakes, so they could each sit and decorate their own cake.

They had a blast, and I got some cake out of the deal!

My birthday request for the night of my birthday was an Astros game. We had a blast. I'm so glad the boys enjoy going as much as we do!!

Birthday Breakfast

The boys and Ryan surprised me with some new Disney Vera Bradley bags!

Mom take a picture of me "sleeping", but he couldn't resist peeking with one eye to see the phone lol.

As Dippy says, "I don't always drink beer, but when I do, it's enormous". Ry and I split one so it would stay cold, lol.

They always play "deep in the heart of Texas" around the 7th inning stretch. the boys love clapping along!

To finish off my fabulous birthday week we went to the opening night of the Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds acoustic tour. The show was great and we had a great time with another couple we know from here.

All in all, between Mother's Day and my birthday I had an amazing week with all 3 of my guys, and I  am super thankful to my biggest guy for all the sweet gifts and fun things we did to make it special!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Since we had a few hours after Aidan's soccer game Saturday before Ryan had to work we decided to take a quick drive up to the new house. Of course it's not really quick at all, since it takes 45 minutes to get there, and that's with no crazy traffic.

We have our walk-through this Thursday and then we close next Thurs the 29th. They were going to be pouring another 10 feet of concrete onto the patio in the backyard for us, so we thought we'd pop up and see how everything was going.

We actually hadn't been up to see the house since Nani & Poppy were here, so it was fun to see this outside!

We're excited for closing, but we won't be physically moving in until sometime in June. Our lease isn't up until the end of June here at the apartment so we're not in any huge rush. We still haven't even gone shopping for fridges, washers or dryers which we need before really moving in. 
I've started packing some small minor things, but since we haven't settled on an official date to move I'm not in too much of a hurry. 

 Ryan's been in charge of the STICU again this month so his hours have been ridiculous and we really haven't had a chance to talk about picking a date that he'll even be around to make the move! Guess we better get on that since it's coming up soon!

Food Allergy Awareness Week 2014....and a glimpse into an allergy mom's life.

Mason this past September 2013 at the Houston FARE walk for allergy awareness...posing at the Epi-Pen stand with his own personal epi pen.

If you look at Mason's allergy testing you will see he is allergic to 4 things:
Cow's Milk

However, he can tolerate all things soy (even edamame!!!) He can also tolerate cooked eggs and milk, so we are very lucky in that sense. He can have baked goods as long as they are nut free! Raw milk however will cause him to bust out in hives and vomit. Yuck.

We kicked off Food Allergy Awareness week this year wearing the tshirts we got at last Year's FARE walk.

Wearing his food allergy walk tshirt for preschool to help raise awareness!

Some people have said to me "I don't know how you do it" in reference to Mason's food allergies. I remind them that you don't know how strong you are until you have to be strong. I don't have a choice. I have to be the anti-allergen nazi to keep my kid alive.

When we go to a party I have to keep a super close eye on him...what if someone offers him a piece of candy with nuts in it? Or something with uncooked milk like homemade buttercream frosting or any kind of "dip" (oh the vomit that will ensue!)?

We were home for Christmas this year and were at my cousin's house and the kids were all running around playing and I hear my other cousin say "Mason's not supposed to have peanuts right?" and immediately I felt the blood drain from my face. The way it was worded was as if he was in the act of eating them. I whirled around to discover she was offering all the kids candy out of a bag and he chose a peanut butter cup. She said what triggered her memory about his allergy is his allergy alert bracelet. I don't see my family more than maybe once a year so in reality they have no actual clue about his allergies, and I don't expect them to be his allergy warriors. That's my job. And I almost failed.

What if Theresa hadn't remembered about his allergy, or seen his bracelet, and what if, what if, he opened that peanut butter cup and ate it?? My eyes are welling up as I think about how real the fear is that that could happen.

We've already had one ambulance ride to the ER while visiting home in NY this past September, and I've also used an epi pen on Mason. (You can read about that here.)

On a side note do you know how much an ambulance ride with Kunkel costs? $500. 
An allergy-related trip to the Faxton-St. Luke's ER? $220.
But when you're in a panic because you're fearing for your child's life, money doesn't matter.

You inject that damn epi pen and you call 911.
You just do it. And you remain thankful that your Mom happens to be with you to keep you calm and to follow the ambulance in your car with Aidan while you ride with Mason to keep him calm.

On a daily basis I have to remember/worry about things that normal moms don't. Did I bring the epi pens and the benadryl? I have to turn around and go back if I forget them. Did I bring a Mason-friendly snack, in case the other kids are eating something he can't have?

There was a day we were supposed to meet Brittany at the Zoo, and we got there and as I was loading up the stroller with our stuff I realized I left them home because he had school that morning and they were in his backpack, not my purse. So with a screaming Mason who was pissed we had to leave, we had to get back in the car and head home. 

I have to watch him as he eats in restaurants, because I'm just sitting there waiting for there to be a reaction from some sort of cross-contamination in the kitchen. We can't eat in Asian restaurants because they use lots of peanuts in their cooking, and the risk of cross-contamination is WAY too great. 

He can't have cake at Birthday Parties because the frosting is either buttercream or the "whipped" dairy frosting, and that will make him vomit. Thanks to a tip from a friend from PA I can buy him the canned frosting to use on cakes because believe it or not, most of them contain NO MILK. I shudder to think about what's actually in it then. I always used to make my own frosting from my great Aunt Edna's recipe....but hey if Mason can't have it...canned garbage it is.

We went out to a concert Friday night and the boys were with people we really trust (otherwise this allergy mama wouldn't have left them),  yet I was checking my phone every 5 minutes to make sure I didn't have any messages from home.

Everyone who gets left with my kid gets a lesson on epi-pens, signs of anaphylaxis, and what foods are prohibited. It's nice when someone watches them in my own home because we are a nut-free home. I don't have to worry about peanut butter cups or granola bars with nuts being accidentally ingested. Ok, so we have one hidden jar of Peanut Butter on the top shelf of the pantry for nights when the boys are sleeping and Ry and I have to give in and have a taste....but other than that. No nuts.
For his second day at preschool during the week, he represented with his "It only takes one bite", "Team Mase Face" shirt that I created for the allergy walk last september. And his boots. He always wears his boots. a True Texan. ;)

I am that lady scouring and double/triple/quadruple checking ingredient lists on foods at the grocery store. Not because I want to, but because I'm trying to ensure that the label doesn't say something like "May contain peanuts/tree nuts, processed on the same equipment that processes peanuts/peanut butter, may contain traces of nuts".
And candy bars? Forget it. Way too risky. Sorry kid, no chocolate bunny for you at Easter!

Do you know how many brands of pretzels contain the warning "processed on shared equipment that also processes peanut butter"? Tons. Because peanut-butter filled pretzels are a thing, and that's why something as simple as pretzels, that YOU may not think would be related to a peanut allergy can affect my shopping experience.

My days are filled with worry and anxiety. I fear the day he goes to Kindergarten and he is out of my sight. Yes, he goes to preschool now, but it's a small class, and they never leave the room they're in. What happens when he's in Kindergarten with hundreds of other kids and walking in hallways and eating lunch in a large cafeteria where an adult who personally knows Mason can't say "hey Mason don't eat that!". Little kids are sneaky, I worry he'll be offered a peanut-laden snack on the playground or the school bus where he can't be helped. I lose sleep over it. So many kids die accidentally like that. Most days I hide it pretty well, but rest assured I am constantly worried and full of anxiety about his allergy. It doesn't end. I think about worst-case scenarios all day long. I am a helicopter mom and I am forced to be. If I don't look out for him, who will?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Soccer pics

We had soccer photos taken many moons ago and I had hoped they would be decent.
 The only reason I even planned on buying a package was so that Aidan could get a team photo collage. I didn't realize how bad the photos really would be.

 I swear their camera must have been on "auto" because all the photos are slightly out of focus, and not crisp at all. Burns my butt as a photog. I know they were shooting hundreds and hundreds of kids that day but I can't stand "shoot and burn" practices like this. They couldn't have cared less whether our photos looked nice, as long as they got paid.

I even got a free 5x7 of me and Aidan since I am the coach, and it is SOOO horrible (Ryan even agrees, and he would never say it if it weren't that bad), that I won't even scan it in to share. It's that bad.

I bought the smallest package I could choose that came with the "memory maker" photo of his individual photo and team photo.

They were so bad that the day we got them I waited for the evening light and headed out with Aidan in his uniform to have a do-over session with Mommy. The new photos I will be ordering as wallets from my own printer for family......


Seriously, where is his arm??? My phone takes crisper photos!!