Monday, May 5, 2014

Ryan's Grand Rounds

It happened to work out perfectly that Ryan had to present for Grand Rounds while his parents were visiting. Perfect that is, because that meant that I was able to attend and watch him "in action", as Ryan puts it.

Ryan also presented during Grand Rounds his chief year of residency in Allentown too, but I wasn't able to make it, because I either worked or had no sitter for the monsters boys.

Grand Rounds start promptly at 7 am, which meant that in order to beat the insane rush hour into the city we had to be out the door by 5:45. Yes, that's AM. I used to be out the door earlier than that when I still worked in the lab in PA, but man, I haven't really had to do that in a while, lol.

It was actually a nice little morning for the two of us, knowing the kids were in good hands with Nani and Poppy, and we could be out doing this and I was actually physically there to support Ry.

We got there early enough to stop at the Starbucks in the hospital and for Ryan to get into the auditorium and get himself prepared to talk.

I chuckled a little when I saw this diagram of the Coagulation Cascade on one of Ry's slides, because we had to learn the whole damn thing in Med Tech School and I remember hating it!!!

Believe it or not, I was able to understand quite a bit of what he was discussing. I made it about 45 minutes before I had to pee from all that coffee and then lost my concentration, lol.

I also got to meet the other Attending Surgeons Ryan works with/will be "partners" with in July. It was really nice to finally be able to put faces to the names he always mentions!

After the lecture was over we headed over to sign Ryan's contract...... It was a pretty exciting moment, and glad we got it on camera, even if it is only an iPhone shot :)

Signing his life over to Memorial Hermann in Houston ;)

I'm so glad I was able to be a part of this big day in Ryan's year of Fellowship. Grand Rounds is an hour long presentation on a topic of their own choosing that they usually spend weeks working on. I'm so proud of Ry! We did have a moment of panic the night before when all the pictures had disappeared from his Powerpoint file, but he managed to get it all back in order in time for his presentation. PHEW!

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