Wednesday, March 30, 2011

McQueen potty!

And so it begins...

Potty Training.

The nurse educator at the pediatrician's office recommended that I wait until at least 3 months until after the new baby is born to start. I think she's a moron. I understand once the new munchkin is here that he may revert, but I can't imagine not starting now that he's showing signs of being ready.

He is constantly telling me "Aidan potty" or "Aidan poop potty"

When he poops, he tells me beforehand, and in fact the other day in the kitchen he stopped what he was doing, started pulling his pants off and said:
"have to poop".

I almost died laughing!

That was the day I decided it really was time to buy him his own potty.
In our travels on Sunday we found a Lightning McQueen potty that we figured was going to be perfect.

First he pushed the box around the kitchen.

Then we took it out and he refused to let me put him on it, but continued to play with it.

Finally, he smirked at me and all on his own sat down. The way Ryan and I cheered you would have thought he actually used it, haha.

Today I convinced him to let me take his pants off and got him to sit on it. The funny part was, he insisted I had to take all his clothes off, incuding his socks. So there he sat, naked as a jaybird on his potty (not actually using it of course, but baby steps!!) for quite some time. I tried so hard not to let him see me chuckling at how cute the situation was.

The McQueen potty also came with reward stickers that you can use to decorate the potty. Ry and I thought that was a great idea. I also happen to have a pack of 800 Disney Cars stickers, so we decided for everytime he uses the potty he gets to decorate the potty with a new Cars sticker. Today he got one just for getting nakie and sitting on it!

Wish me Luck!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pantry Baby

What do you mean you don't keep your baby in the kitchen pantry?

I do.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Outside Fun

When I checked the weather forecast, it looked as though yesterday was going to be the nicest day for about a week, since cold temps and snow were moving in.

So when we got home from Michele's and Aidan stood in the kitchen and said "go out-tide!", I happily obliged....

First we attemped the Buzz Lightyear 4-wheeler, which only lasted as long as the trip down the driveway before he stated "no like it".

We then moved on to the bubble mower, and walked it up and down the sidewalk.

Aidan got it for his birthday  last summer and yet I have never seen it actually produce bubbles. It always seems to let a half of one come out before it pops. .

But not this time! There were quite a few times when a stream of bubbles came shooting out and Aidan stopped dead in his tracks, no doubt wondering where the bubbles came from!

I guess the faster it goes, the better the bubbles come out, but it was hard to tell Aidan this because every time they came out he stopped walking to investigate the source, haha.

At one point he even told me "make it do again"! I almost fell over laughing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Poppy's Birthday Weekend

We had a fun visit from Nani and Poppy this past weekend. It was Poppy's Birthday so it was extra special!

Saturday night we went out to Rios, the Brazilian Steakhouse in Nazareth. For those of you who aren't familiar with a brazilian steakhouse, it is set up similar to a buffet. You don't order off of a menu, but meat on giant skewers is brought to your table and if you want some they carve it off right there for you. That night they were serving 15 or so different kinds of meat. There was sirloin, NY strip, beef and garlic, bacon-wrapped turkey, roasted chicken, filet mignon, pork roast, sausages, etc etc.

If you are a meat-lover you will think you've died and gone to Heaven.

In fact, even my picky eater of a kid ate his weight in (ready for this?) Rabbit stew!! They have a salad bar which has salad as well as different sides such as rice and mashed potatoes, and one of the offerings was rabbit stew. He LOVED it. He also ate sausages, chicken and some sirloin. I was amazed at how much he ate!!

Sadly I had to work  Sat and Sun,but Nani and Poppy got to have some quality time with Ry and Aidan during the day and I joined them after work. We had a great time, and Aidan loved having more people to play cars with!!

Sleepy playtime with Nani after eating all that meat at the steakhouse

Hop on Pop!

Happy Birthday to Poppy

He's certainly not picky when it comes to cake....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Yeah, I know I'm pregnant, thanks.

Yes, I am huge and pregnant for only 25 weeks.

Yes, I am aware that my belly has certainly "popped out" recently.

Yes, I am certain that there is only one in there!

Yes, I have decided the next person to make a comment about how big I have gotten is going to get a punch in the face.

Do you think I don't own a mirror, and have no idea how big I have gotten?

 I'm beginning to hate people. It is my second baby and yes, like they say you get bigger faster, but I don't need a surprised look of shock on your face when you say "how much longer do you have" and I respond "3 1/2 months".

This past week at work I was out filling my water bottle at the water fountain in the hallway when some douchebag doctor walked past me, pointed to my stomach and said :
"any day now, huh?".

Yeah, F*#@ you, pal.

 Luckily I worked with a good crew of women that day and they cheered me up when I walked back into the lab almost in tears.

On a brighter note, here are some gems that Michele shared with me of Aidan and her boys:

Lunchtime goofballs

Popsicle Party!

LOVE this action shot!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baking Buddy

I hate when I buy fruit and then get it home only to discover it's sour.

This week that happened with the strawberries I bought, so I decided to cut them up, let them soak in some sugar water overnight and turn them into muffins.

I also opened a can of sliced peaches for Aidan today and he kept spitting them out so I had the idea to make the muffins into a strawberry-peach variety instead.

I decided for the hell of it to pull a chair up to the counter and see if Aidan would be interested in "helping", and to my surprise he turned out to be quite a good helper!!

He was pretty good at dumping the contents of a measuring cup or spoon into the bowl,

he also liked trying to stir the fruit into the batter,

and he was an absolute pro at putting cup liners into the muffin pan all by himself!!

Thanks to Grandpa, he now has his very own personalized Mickey Mouse apron on it's way too, for our next baking adventure!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Aidan's first playground adventure!

The last 2 weeks have been slightly trying.
Ryan is on a 4 week night-float rotation which means he is working from 5pm-8am or so.

It's almost as if Aidan knows this and his behavior has been testing me quite a few of the nights that Ry isn't home (he's actually home Fri and Sat nights, and Aidan is always an angel those nights)

This weekend was made worse when Ry had to go to Pittsburgh Friday to present at a conference. So before he left the last time we saw him was real quick on Thurs afternoon.

Great opportunity and honor for him, but lonely weekend for us.

Soo...Michele to the rescue! She helped save my sanity by asking Aidan and I to join her and her boys and her Mom at a local park Saturday afternoon that has a new AMAZING playground in Alllentown.

This place was huge, and of course packed, since it was 60 degrees out on a Saturday.

The first thing the Big Boys were drawn to was the giant net of spiderweb ropes. Spidermen or Monkeys? You decide.


And of course poor Baby Aidan was too little to play in the web, but that didn't stop him from trying!

Aidan jumped right into a big kids game where these buttons lit up and you had to hit them while they were lit up to score.
All of these kids (Wells is in red) were scrambling around in the circle trying to hit all the buttons, and at one point Aidan thought the point of the game was to hit all the other kids, which had Me and Michele laughing before I corrected him....
He wasn't intimidated one bit as he was trampled by the older kids.

Choosing a game to play with his Buddy Wells

Playing the drums

It turns out that our buddy Maddox is quite the rock-climber!!

Our day was made even better when Ryan managed to get home over 2 hours ahead of schedule! We ordered Chinese and watched some movies with Aidan and had a great night!

When he got home Aidan had some fun with Daddy's wardrobe: