Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Outside Fun

When I checked the weather forecast, it looked as though yesterday was going to be the nicest day for about a week, since cold temps and snow were moving in.

So when we got home from Michele's and Aidan stood in the kitchen and said "go out-tide!", I happily obliged....

First we attemped the Buzz Lightyear 4-wheeler, which only lasted as long as the trip down the driveway before he stated "no like it".

We then moved on to the bubble mower, and walked it up and down the sidewalk.

Aidan got it for his birthday  last summer and yet I have never seen it actually produce bubbles. It always seems to let a half of one come out before it pops. .

But not this time! There were quite a few times when a stream of bubbles came shooting out and Aidan stopped dead in his tracks, no doubt wondering where the bubbles came from!

I guess the faster it goes, the better the bubbles come out, but it was hard to tell Aidan this because every time they came out he stopped walking to investigate the source, haha.

At one point he even told me "make it do again"! I almost fell over laughing.

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