Monday, March 14, 2011

Yeah, I know I'm pregnant, thanks.

Yes, I am huge and pregnant for only 25 weeks.

Yes, I am aware that my belly has certainly "popped out" recently.

Yes, I am certain that there is only one in there!

Yes, I have decided the next person to make a comment about how big I have gotten is going to get a punch in the face.

Do you think I don't own a mirror, and have no idea how big I have gotten?

 I'm beginning to hate people. It is my second baby and yes, like they say you get bigger faster, but I don't need a surprised look of shock on your face when you say "how much longer do you have" and I respond "3 1/2 months".

This past week at work I was out filling my water bottle at the water fountain in the hallway when some douchebag doctor walked past me, pointed to my stomach and said :
"any day now, huh?".

Yeah, F*#@ you, pal.

 Luckily I worked with a good crew of women that day and they cheered me up when I walked back into the lab almost in tears.

On a brighter note, here are some gems that Michele shared with me of Aidan and her boys:

Lunchtime goofballs

Popsicle Party!

LOVE this action shot!

1 comment:

  1. You're just perfect! And, Maddox looks like he has a problem at that lunch picture...
