Monday, August 12, 2013

Stupid Texas Spiders.

So Aidan got a bug bite Last week. First it was small so I assumed he had gotten a mosquito bite on the playground at Preschool. (His teacher swears the skeeters are so big here they can pick you up and fly away!)

As the day progressed he started complaining that it hurt and I could tell it was definitely not a regular ol mosquito bite.

So I put hydrocortizone on it and monitored it. 

Around 430 am Aidan came and woke us up complaining it hurt really bad, and of course it was super swollen and hot. Ryan texted a pic of it to his colleague at work who said give him benadryl and ice it.

As the day went on it actually started to get better so we started to relax a little.

Fast forward 3 days when he wakes up with yet another bite above the first one.

By now I felt like I was a pro at these bites. Benadryl, hydrocortizone and ice.
Oh, and I checked under his bed for a damn spider nest...but there was nothing there. I guess his toddler bed is just so low to the ground they can easily climb up there at night.

He even had his regular well visit with our new pediatrician (Who I love and I'm so glad) a few days later who looked at them and told me the same things Ryan's ER friend had told us. We were doing all the right things, and both bites continued to heal nicely.

Until yesterday (almost a full week later) when the second bite looked like this:

I did the drill....benadryl and itch cream. Even though I thought it was odd that it was sort of "re-flaring" for lack of a better word. It was definitely the same bite...there was NOT a new bite.

As the night progressed it got worse so Ryan's ER friend said to elevate it with the ice and keep the meds up.

He got to ice it on the kitchen counter while I started dinner, then I moved him to the couch to elevate it.
Dr. Mason checked him out and said "You'll be alright" LOL

We iced it last night while we went for our walk and crossed our fingers it would be better today. IT WAS NOT.

This is this morning's pic.

And finally Ryan's ER colleague has instructed me to take him to the pediatrician.

After inspecting it for quite some time and listening to all my stories and what I did, the doctor decided it had all the marks of a bacterial infection, so he put him on Antibiotics for 10 days.

He also has some concern for the knee joint since the infection has the area so swollen and it's right on the side of his knee. If it doesn't get better after 24 hours on the antibiotics he wants Aidan to see a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon...just to make sure the infection didn't/doesn't spread into his knee joint.

Cross your fingers it gets better and we don't need to go see the Orthopedic Dr!

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