Sunday, August 18, 2013


Yeah. Powder. 


This is what happened yesterday morning while I was in the shower. My clothes that were folded in that chair were thrown on the floor along with the pillows from the bed. Then the powder was shaken ALL OVER THE ROOM.

The pictures look hazy because there was still so much effing powder floating around in the air!!!

The minute I stepped out of the shower I smelled that baby fresh scent.

And I knew.

It's not the first time Mason has gotten a hold of the powder, but it has never been this bad before. Sigh.

I assume most of you are laughing at this, and rest assured I hate you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh.My.Gosh. On a different note, Ryan's chair is very nice, and I bet it looks even better without a coating of powder! :)
