Thursday, January 6, 2011

I feel fine?

I need to rant!!!!

I must say, I know it's a bit ridiculous........ but one of my biggest pet peeves about pregnancy is people asking me constantly "how are you feeling?". I'm pregnant, not dying of some rare, incurable disease, I feel fine. Hell, other than this increasingly large bump I'm rocking, some days I wouldn't even know I was pregnant. So when I get the question at least half a dozen times a day, it gets pretty frustrating.

When I was pregnant with Aidan, Ryan kept telling me I was being ridiculous, that people were genuinely concerned over how I was feeling. I disagreed and told him it's just an annoying thing people are trained to ask a pregnant woman. I'm pretty sure they don't even care what the real answer is! (Ok, well maybe family does....) I even read an article once in a parenting magazine that listed the top 10 things never to ask a pregnant woman....among them: "How are you feeling?".  My point exactly. Also included was "are you having twins?", which I also got a ton. With Aidan my belly was so gigantic people were always asking me that, and one time someone asked me at work and I almost cried I was so upset by it .

So I guess my point is, I know people are asking how I feel, but do they really want the answer for that day? Because depending on the day it might be: "I'm tired, crabby, super emotional, my boobs hurt, nervous, anxious, excited, and overwhelmed." Do you think they could handle the real answer(s)? So when they ask, almost every pregnant woman responds: "I feel fine.", which almost all of the time I do feel fine!!!!!!


  1. Steph, I can't tell you how often I had to contain my need to strike someone when asking me this exact question.

  2. Well... not that you're asking, but my boobs hurt too, people ALWAYS ask if I'm having twins, and despite my constant smile and bubbly personality...I'm pretty crabby. My total lack of uterus makes these questions even MORE annoying. But hey... what can you do? By the way... how are you feeling? :P BAHahahahahahah
