Thursday, February 9, 2012

Helmet update

Just a quick helmet update after our appointment yesterday.

Since we started Mason's treatment right at 4 months when his head was still growing quickly he had a great improvement after even 6 weeks (we've been going every 3 weeks for measurements and adjustments). His measurements were good and the back of his head where the flat spot was filled in nicely.

The last 2 visits the orthotist has said "now it's up to you if we keep going", and I have, but I limited the amount of time he was in it because he kept developing small pressure sores and red spots that wouldn't heal (we were back there a lot for adjustments to help with this). Sooooo as of last week I took it off him for good after he started to develop a huge blister on his forehead from it. 

We went yesterday for what I figured would be our last visit, and the Orthotist (Brian, or "uncle Brian" as Aidan calls him for no apparent reason) says he was hoping that in all this time that the one uneven side of his forehead would fill in. It hasn't.

I guess I never really noticed it until he and the Physical Therapist pointed it out to me (she happened to mention it that very morning at our session). You can only really notice it if you look down from above him but now that it's been pointed out to me it seems pretty obvious. I've had people tell me they don't see it at all....

He then basically asked me if we stopped now would I be happy with the results and I said No, because if we started it to fix the unevenness of his head then we're going to finish it.

So long story short Brian did an overhaul on the hemet to try and relieve all of the pressure spots, and we will go for another 3 weeks and see what progress, if any, has been made.

I plan on breaking him back in (takes about 5 days of a "break in on and off time schedule") and getting him back to a full time wear (23 hours a day). Hopefully with the adjustments this will be possible, because once they develop sores you need to keep it off until they heal. Ugh.

Anyway, little man is still being a trooper!


  1. I know why it's "Uncle Bryan." We (mostly Maddox) talk about Uncle Bryan every time we get to the police page in one of Aidan's favorite books over here. Mystery solved. I'm beginning to notice a pattern as far as our house being the source of all that is most perplexing to you.... :/

  2. He sure is lucky to have such an awesome mom! Here's to hoping to be done with the helmet soon!
