Sunday, November 20, 2011

Waffles and Rocking horses

Just a quick memo about our Sunday morning.

Aidan helped me make waffles, so we pulled up a chair and got busy. Once we were done, he insisted he had to eat them with powdered sugar on them, which is how Michele's guys eat theirs. Ok, wish granted.

There was powdered sugar everywhere, because he insisted he had to eat them standing on his chair at the kitchen island. Ah well...pick and choose my battles, right? 

At least he ate breakfast!

After breakfast I got out the wooden rocking horse that was Ryan's that my in-laws brought down to us. I plan on using it for photo sessions, and have a super fun idea for a christmas picture for Aidan. 

But first, poor horsie needs a new tail. I got some yarn this week to fix him up, but today I just didn't have time since I was on my way out the door to do a photo session. 

Well, anyway Aidan hopped right on the horse and has been playing with it ever since. There's a reason classic toys like that are so classic!!


  1. ha ha - you're welcome. Just getting you back for those pretzel sprinkles!!!

  2. Love the rocking horse! My mom kept a bunch of our classic toys and a rocking horse was one of ours as well. Love it!
