Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Peeta Butter

One of Aidan's favorite foods is peanut butter. We were chuckling recently because if you ask him to say peanut he can, but when he says peanut butter it comes out "peeta butter".

Every once in a while he likes to share some Ritz crackers with PB on them with Daddy.

This is definitely an "in the highchair" kind of snack.

See why?

...it also doesn't help that his new favorite game is peek-a-boo, so no matter what he has on his hands, it ends up all over his face. Yay.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha - the Peeta Butter in the last pic looks like a peach-fuzz mustache and unibrow. Foreshadowing of puberty? ruht roh!
