Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today is a day I have been dreading for about 28 weeks.

I have to go have my one hour glucose tolerance test done. Why do I dread this you ask?

Because when I was pregnant with Aidan I had gestational diabetes. NOT FUN. But great for preventing a ton of preggo weight-gain.

So basically today they give me a nice sugary "glucola" drink and draw my blood and test the sugar after an hour.  If my sugar is too high (which I am already expecting) then I get sent for a 3 hour glucose test in which I get a way more sugary glucola and then once an hour for 3 hours they measure my sugar. With Aidan I failed both of theses tests. Hence the official Gestational Diabetes diagnosis. You even become considered a "high risk" pregnancy. Bleh.

If you don't know me well I have the biggest sweet tooth and am a carbaholic. If you also don't know anything about diabetes, it's not just processed sugar that you can't have, it's all sugars, carbs, and starches that are the main culprits. Meaning no more rice krispies even!! Bread and potatoes, pasta, rice, and all those yummy things need to be limited so much that you might as well just not eat the 1/4 cup of rice that you are allowed, it's a tease. Ugh.

When I was diagnosed with Aidan both my OB and the women at the diabetes center were surprised, because I don't really fit the "profile" of GD, which is mostly obese women. Buuuuuuut, thanks to the prevalence of type 2 diabetes on my Mom's side, I guess I am predisposed to the condition. In fact now having had GD I have an 80% chance of becoming Type 2 Diabetic later on in life. I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it, huh?

So before I go and confirm what I'm pretty sure will be another GD diagnosis, Aidan and I are going to have a big heaping breakfast of French Toast as my last hurrah!

A bonus to working at the lab that does this testing is that I have the ability to look up my results (drives my OB nuts because I always know my stuff before it even gets faxed to her haha). Meaning if I fail this one I'll know I need the 3 hour test before my OB will, so I'll call and get a jump on getting a script for that, and I'll be able to know that I need to start back on my diabetic diet ASAP (boooo).

1 comment:

  1. Boo is right. I'm pulling for you Stephi. I got so FAT during your last pregnancy b/c I was eating sweets for the both of us. It was fun for a while...but then I couldn't see my feet anymore. I don't know if I can do it again. But I'm here for you! Here's an idea.... let's make Uncle Donnie fat this time! :P
