Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hives and an Ice Storm

Aidan developed almost a full body covering of hives when we got home from the sitter's on Monday. I like to think I'm not one of those nervous, panicky-type moms, but I have never seen anything like this on my kid. They look like welts and he's got them from his knees all the way up to his neck, concentrating around his waist and hips. Of course with this storm being forecast I knew there was not going to be any way that I was going to be able to get him to the Dr's. In fact they called me yesterday to cancel his 18 month well-visit for this morning.

Ouch, right?

So yesterday I call and explain to them what they look like, etc, and they say just what Dr. Hubby had told me: allergic reaction hives. Awesome. They said to keep Benadryl in him until the hives are gone, and if they last more than a week to call them back. What?!?He can have these for a week? (but as Michele pointed out I will have a calm child doped up on Benadryl for days hahaha)

Anyway the most frustrating part is we have no idea what the reaction is from. There haven't been any new foods, soaps, lotions, or clothes or anything!! Even with the Benadryl he's still covered, although they don't seem to be bothering him at all, they're freaking me out!

We had some snow and freezing rain yesterday which is why we weren't able to make it to the pediatrician.
This morning though, I woke to an ice covered winter wonderland:

I couldn't resist taking a few icicle shots...and yes that is our Christmas garland still on the deck... Ryan insists he's going to take it down soon.

I'll believe it when I see it.

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