Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Ryan and I got home at roughly the same time tonight, and while I was filling him in on Aidan's adventures of the day and putting groceries away, I walked around the kitchen island to find Aidan helping himself to an apple; which I had yet to put in the fridge.

Ry totally watched him do it, but I would rather he not choke on the skin, so Daddy got the veggie peeler out and started to peel the whole thing for him.

He was too impatient for that so while Ryan was peeling I caught Aidan taking yet another apple out of the bag and taking a bite. Yikes, we need to peel faster!

Once it was completely peeled he devoured almost the whole thing! Ry says at least he's making healthy choices, haha!


1 comment:

  1. Oh-no! Let's hope an apple a day doesn't keep doctor Daddy away! ha...ha
