Saturday, December 18, 2010

A new chapter in our lives

Well, as most of our friends and family are finally in the loop, we're excited to announce we are expecting baby #2 at the very end of June. I figure with all the craziness that I am about to experience a blog will be a great way to keep family members/friends updated on the insanity in the Lawless household. I've seen some blog pages created by friends and am always amazed at their creativity, so I decided I want to be a follower and create my own blog.

Ryan and I are very excited about the arrival of munchkin #2 and he says he has a feeling this one's going to be a girl. We're definitely going to find out in Feb what the sex is, but we're thinking that we aren't going to share that with anybody (I mean there has to be some surprise for everyone SOMEWHERE right?)

We're also not going to share our name choices with anyone. We did this with Aidan and were thankful, because people always have to give their 2 cents anyway and frankly I don't give a DAMN which names they don't like paired with our last name or what they wish they had named their kid instead of what they did.

With Aidan the girls at work had a Baby Name pool instead of a weight pool, which was really fun. I gave them the initials of his first and middle name and they got to guess the combination. One of the girls actually guessed Aidan James...which was pretty impressive if you ask me!! Speaking of the little monster, he's definitely too young to grasp the idea of a baby, but it sure is funny to ask him if he wants a baby brother or sister...because he responds "no" to both anyway.


  1. Yeah! The perfect time to start a blog. Boo that I won't get to know your baby's gender ahead of time, but it's cool to have secrets and surprises...I guess. :)

  2. Dude - You're a Baby Momma Blogger. I'm totally behind this initiative! Love it. I will call you each and every day until you cave and tell me the sex of the baby... hahah :P On second thought, I'll just get Ryan drunk. He's an easier nut to crack than you! haha JUST KIDDING! Love the blog and LOVE LOVE LOVE you all. I can't wait for munchkin #2. IT will be perfect no matter what! LOVE YOU!
