Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Insanity

And so begin the final countdown to Christmas. I don't think I have ever been this busy the week before Christmas. Between dinner dates with friends, making cookies for a Cookie Exchange, work, dr's appt's and holiday parties I fear I may be going insane. There are definitely NOT enough hours in the day!!!!

I did manage to squeeze in a visit to the Santa at the mall for Aidan which was pretty entertaining. While waiting in line he was so excited and kept yelling "Danta! Danta!" His mood quickly changed once he walked up to him though. Santa held his hand and I asked him if he wanted to sit with Santa and he quickly replied "no." Well, of course I made him do it anyway and he was not exactly thrilled. He cried for a millisecond then the look of fear came. The girl taking the picture and I were lauhging and the look of terror on his face. Priceless.

 Yesterday we took him to a Breakfast with Santa at a local restaurant. It started with them telling us they didn't have any available high chairs at the moment, which irked me because my 1 1/2 year old is pretty well-behaved, but not enough to sit still on one of our laps while we all try to eat, plus I specified in my reservation I was going to need one. Finally after about a half hour they got us a high chair and we were able to get him seated in it.

So Santa was upstairs and for some reason they seated us downstairs. I was a little peeved because the whole reason we went to this place was to see Santa (the food is NOT that great).  We saw Santa go up the stairs once or twice and Aidan got all excited, which irritated me even more because I wanted him to be able to get the full breakfast with Santa experience!! Finally we were done eating and had our check and Ry suggested that I just take him upstairs to see Santa, so I did. Of course there was a table of about 20 people with about 11 kids just getting in line to see him, because he was sitting in a chair by the fireplace. My kid certainly does not understand the concept of "it's not your turn yet buddy" so he kept yelling "Danta" and trying to run to him while the other kids were on his lap. I very impatiently waited for about 15 minutes with my squirming kid while these people rearranged their gaggle of kids for about 30 different pictures. Sheesh. FINALLY it was Aidan's turn!! He ran up to Santa,  got all the way to his feet and made a hard left and booked it to the other side of the room hahahaha! I brought him back and Santa let him pick a goodie out of his toy sack and of course from that moment on they were buddies. My kid will love you if you give him a treat! He sat on his lap and I managed to get a picture, even though Aidan wouldn't smile for me, I was pleased!!
All in all the service is slow, the food is mediocre and it took us almost 2 hours from start to finish for breakfast. Oy. But seeing Aidan all excited to see Santa was worth it all!!


  1. whay a nice day with your family....luv the pics as always

  2. I had fun looking through all of your posts. The middle picture on this one reminds me of Wells when he was little. I think I have a similar one, dress shirt and all!
