Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bili's, weight checks and time-outs

Just like Aidan....Mason lost a significant amount of weight after he left the hospital. He went from 7lbs 10oz at birth to 7lbs 1 1/2oz at his first Dr's appt. 

So we had to go back a few days later for another check. Of course at that point he had lost another 1/2oz and was down to 7lbs 1oz. Ugh.

So yet another weight check was scheduled and this time he weighed 7lbs 4oz, but apparently that's just not good enough because he's not back up to his birthwight. So once again we need to go to the Dr's next week for another weight check and then the week after that is already his one month checkup. Mind you, each of these weight checks and visits is a freakin $15 co-pay. I'm sorry but I think a weight check is considered a "follow-up" visit and that there shouldn't be a co-pay. I mean when I went for a heartbeat check at the OB every month I didn't get charged! Argh.

He also had a high bilirubin when we left the hospital so that had to get checked again at his initial Dr's visit. That result came back within range and w didn't worry about it. Then at the 2nd weight check they said he looked yellow so they freakin had us check it again that day. Which came back even lower than the last time. Ugh this poor kid!!

Aidan seems to be adjusting nicely to his role as big brother, although he is acting out a little bit so he has been put in time out quite a few times for misbehaving. So this morning he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bottom step of the stairs (which is his time out spot) and said:
"you go in time out"
Then , he looked at me and said in a stern voice:
When I said I wasn't going to cry, he touched my face and said :
"be sad."
When I asked him what I did to deserve a time out he couldn't answer me, but I can tell you I was laughing so hard I almost was crying!

He also cracked me up this afternoon when he pulled up a chair in front of his Mickey and Clifford stuffed animals and said "talk to me, boys".

Seriously, where does he get this stuff?

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