Monday, June 13, 2011


With Aidan, I didn't get a chance to go into "nesting" mode. We were in the process of having our house built and were moving into it 2 weeks afer Aidan was born. Thus, the apartment we were living in in Emmaus was full of packed boxes, and Aidan didn't even have a nursery set up!! In fact, all the nursery furniture was still in the boxes it came in.

This time I see what nesting is.
It's a mix of making sure everything the baby needs is ready at home as well as making sure your house is clean and prepped for visitors.

Since I am having a c-section again, this means I will need help for the first 2 weeks afterward (no driving, minimal stairs, and no lifting anything heaveier than my newborn...which sadly includes Aidan :(  ). There will be at least one grandparent in the house at all times for a full 2 weeks. So trying to make sure we have everything they might possibly need while they're here is bunched in with making sure all the stuff is ready to go for baby as well. Will there be enough coffee? Toilet paper? Etc.? Yikes.

Man, am I tiring myself out!

The new bassinet, ready in our room

I forgot how much I hated to wash bottles....

The swing is ready, too. Aidan decided Ducky had to take a test swing today

I'm also hitting that point of the final 1.5 weeks where being on my feet for longer than 15 minutes or so makes my feet throb like you wouldn't believe. My hands are so swollen my joints actually hurt when I bend my fingers. And yesterday to top it all off I had one random swollen ankle when I got home from work. Ry made me kick my feet up in the hopes we could relieve it. He figures maybe the baby was positioned on one of my veins or something. It must have been the case because I woke up today with 2 normal-sized, puff-free ankles. Woo hoo! 

While I had my feet kicked up Ry made porkchops and brown sugar cinnamon apples on the grill. The apples were sooooo yummy!

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