Monday, April 23, 2012

Vacation!! Well...sort of.

Ryan gets 3 weeks off this year instead of 2 which is nice. He had to pick which 3 weeks he wants out of the coming year as soon as the fiscal year begins (this is the norm for his residency).
 This means in June our vacation weeks have already been chosen for the next 12 months. This can sometimes suck because once the dates are chosen, that's it, there is no going back or changing your mind.

 Ryan chose the week following Easter this year (for no particular reason) and since I had to work mon, tues and fri I had to do some switching with other part timers to get friday off so we could at least have a few days to get away.

First we tried to get a cabin on a lake in the Poconos, and they were all booked since apparently around here in eastern PA it just happened to be Spring Break for the elementary schools. Awesome. We let the idea of going away somewhere sit on the back burner for a bit, but then vacation week was upon us and I think Ry had ants in his pants.

We decided Tues night we would leave for the shore on Wed after Mason's PT. We decided on Ocean City, NJ as opposed to Atlantic City because the boardwalk there is more family friendly.

Bad decision.

Apparently this early in the spring the entire town is basically still closed for the season. Awesome.
So we made the best of it by finding an open restaurant for dinner and then the next morning we walked the boardwalk and discovered a few shoppes were open so we got some coffee and then loaded up in the car for the short drive to Atlantic City to take the boys to the aquarium there.
This was a big fish Aidan has his head in, but there was a giant bus parked right in front of it so I couldn't get far enough back to get the whole fish in the shot :(

After the aquarium we had lunch right in the little marina at a cute restaurant and then went downtown to find some parking so we could go to the boardwalk. The boardwalk in AC was of course open and much more populated since they cater to a year-round crowd.

We got the boys some Ben & Jerry's ice cream and then headed back to Ocean City.

That night we managed to get over to Ryan's Aunt Charlie's since she literally lives about 12 minutes from where we were. We had pizza, got caught up, and even got to go to the park with her Grandson Korey!

The boys had a blast, stayed up way past their bedtimes, and to be honest Mommy had a liiiiitttle too much wine (that always seems to happen when we "play" with Aunt Charlie).

The next day we got up and headed home. I convinced Ryan to stop at Ikea on the way since it is right off 476 and I have always wanted to go. I ended up getting a doll bed that was recommended to me as a prop for newborn photos and I'm so excited. It was only $20 as compared to the shops out in photog-land that want close to $100..... since they are deemed "photo props" I guess they think they can charge more. 

Now all I have to do is build it! Oh and we got one of those toys with the metal wires that have all the beads on it that you can slide around since Aidan loves those...but uh since it's Ikea we have to build that too yet haha.

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