Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mama's got a new ride!

I never wanted an SUV/Big car. I loved my Jetta.

However, after Sean & Char came to visit in April, and Krysta and Chris in July, we knew we needed something that could seat 7.

Thankfully, when Sean and Char came in April Ryan had taken the week off so we were able to have 2 cars to drive everywhere.

However, when Krysta and Chris came, poor Krysta had to squeeze her ass between the boy's carseats in the back of my Jetta, while Chris sat shotgun just so we could go anywhere.

Not cool. Sorry again, Kre. Love you!!!

It has dawned on us that now that we live in Texas, people are flying to see us, not driving, and we just needed something bigger to accommodate that.

It was nice if Ryan was able to drive somewhere with us, but with his schedule he's not always available.

So after a few test drives (and my Jetta deciding randomly one day it didn't want to start and the next day being fine for over a week), we decided on the 2015 Ford Explorer Sport.

Seriously, the day we handed over the keys to the Jetta was a sad day. From the time I was 15, I wanted a VW Jetta. When I was pregnant with Mason I got a brand new one...and I had to give her away, it was so unbelievably sad. We tried to find a Volkswagen that seated 7, but they just didn't have one. 

Sad face.

This car is way fancier than I'm used to. It has a back-up camera (awesome for a dumb girl driver like me), and it even tells you if you're ok to switch lanes! Seriously. Whoa.
It has 6 months of Sirius radio (which I'll be canceling because I'm not impressed), so much room I don't know what to do with it, and the seats themselves are even air conditioned!!!! (I know this will come in handy in the summer here in Houston.)

I made sure the first thing I did to make it mine was put my Disney World Annual Passholder magnet on it, haha.

I've always driven tiny sedans, so it's definitely a big adjustment to a large SUV, but so far we're all loving it!!

It's a complete soccer mom-mobile without being a nasty minivan!! I heart you, Ford Explorer!!

ps- ignore Ryan's face. It had everything to do with the boys being complete A-holes yesterday on this road trip...and has nothing to do with how jealous he is of MY new car ;)

Alright, who's coming to visit next?????

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