Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mason's First day of "school"......

So I know that Mason is only 2, and that technically he doesn't go to "preschool" like Aidan, but the Preschool where Aidan goes does has a 2 yr old classroom. The director of the preschool has been begging me to send Mason basically since Aidan started. He always charms her when I drop Aidan off and pick him up. She always says he's a wild man, and he's gonna be my frat boy (all this from seeing him in the car on tues & thurs!)

I was hesitant to send him because I kept thinking: "I didn't send Aidan to school until he was 3".....

But in PA, Mason had Dorinda & Michelle's houses, where he had to listen to another adult and he even got to play with other kids at both those houses.

Here we have nobody for him to play with. So while Aidan is carrying on with his usual Tues/Thurs school routine, poor Mason was spending 24/7 with Mommy. After some prodding from Ryan, & finally Jess, I emailed the director and she took Mason into her school with open arms! 

The beauty being that they both go on Tues & Thurs from 8:30-1, giving me a nice chunk of time to do ANYTHING.....KID FREE. 
OK, so mostly I've been hitting the treadmill without having to bring them with me in the stroller, which is nice...and grocery shopping without anybody whining. It's pretty sweet.

That morning, my cousin Jessie saw my first day of "school" photo of him and said if I posted it on Instagram with the hashtag #ParentsBTS she would share it on the Parents Magazine Instagram feed!! So I uploaded a new, cuter photo, and here is a screen shot from my phone of Mason's 15 minutes of fame on the Parent's Instagram account, thanks to his favorite cousin Jessie ;) Did I mention she's the assistant editor there? Yeah she's cool like that.

So when I picked him up that afternoon his teacher had barely gotten him into his carseat before he started exclaiming "Hi Mom! I had FUN!"

The director says he's doing great, and he thinks school is just one big party. I do have concerns that little Mr Frat Boy is going to get into mischief at school, unlike Aidan, so we'll see.......

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