Monday, December 22, 2014

Epic Elf Fail

Our elf does not do fun Pinterest worthy things all that often. In fact, this is only the 2nd time this month he has. We're lucky if we have enough brain power left at the end of the day just to remember to move the effing thing.

But I got a text from my cousin the other night with this photo:

I start dying. It's hilarious, and it's Star Wars. I must do it.

Ryan and I set out to re-create this for the boys for the morning. I run up to the playroom to grab our giant Darth Vader and Ryan starts taping the elf to the wall. He made sure no tape was visible because Aidan would totally call us out on it.

We giggled like little kids at the end result, and I have to thank you, Dave for sending me that idea.

We thought the boys would be totally amazed by this, so we went to bed all smiley.

Next morning, Mason tried waking me up way before the sun, which I am not cool with. He then asks me why his Darth Vader is in the kitchen. (Where it was positioned, he could see it from the staircase as he came down, but he couldn't see the elf.) I grumbled that I didn't know why Darth was in the kitchen and told him to go play or something. Just let me be until 7. That's all I ask.

So 7:00 rolls around and I get out of bed, and hear the boys playing upstairs in the playroom, and they're humming the song from Star Wars, and it dawns on me:
"I bet that little shit is playing with the giant Darth figure, and that's why he's humming star wars music!"

Yup. He had him up there all right.

So I yell up and ask why the elf is stuck to the wall, and they come running down to inspect. Well now our perfectly executed, well laid-out scene makes no sense: Darth is no longer with elf, choking him with the force.

Think quick, Mom.

So I say, "oh so that's what Darth was doing in here Mason, I forgot I came up to check on you  guys in the middle of the night and I saw Darth out here using the Force on your elf."
I tell them to bring Darth back down so I can re-create what I "saw" in the middle of the night.....

However, Aidan is pissed, because Mason moved Darth, and Mason is practically in tears saying he doesn't want Darth Vader to kill the elf.

What an epic failure. Drama all over the place.
I figure at least the adults got a kick out of it when I sent the pic to my friends and my cousin, so I guess it wasn't a total waste.....

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