Saturday, January 18, 2014

If you give a Mason some milk.....

Tonight at dinner I accidentally switched the boys drink cups. This means I gave Aidan rice milk and Mason got Aidan's cows milk, which he is allergic to. 
It was brought to my attention mere minutes after the mixup when Aidan told me his milk tasted funny and I quickly noted that the color of their cups were wrong. Aidan should have had the blue cup but the blue cup was in front of Mason. 

Damn it. 

I figured he couldn't have drank all that much since Aidan was pretty quick to notice my mistake. 

However, as Mason finished eating he told me his belly hurt and I knew he was going to throw up. He sat on the couch (yes, yes Uncle Adam I knew he was going to puke yet I put him on the couch……) holding his belly and I decided to get him into some comfy jammie's instead, and like a pro I made sure I picked a pair that buttoned down the front so that when he puked (I knew it was inevitable), I wouldn't have to pull puke covered jammie's up over his face and head. 

15 minutes later he was vomiting on the couch. I cleaned him up and got him in the bath and then noticed he had hives all over one of his ankles. Then I notice he had hives spreading across his chest.  

Unlike the ER trip in September, this time I knew he had consumed milk so I gave him benadryl which cleared up the hives almost instantly, and sent him off to play before bed.

He was and is absolutely fine from the incident. Mommy, however, felt like absolute shit considering I'm the one who switched the little Ikea cups at dinner :/
Apparently milk was in the sun chips that made him vomit and covered his mouth with hives and blisters in Sept, but since I didn't know it was milk I was afraid it was peanuts, and that's why I was so quick to whip out the epi pen.
This time I'm glad it was only milk and it was only hives and vomiting…and it didn't hurt that Dr Daddy was home when it all happened either ;)

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