When Ryan found out I was heading to Dallas to visit Jess while at her In-Laws, he gave us a challenge:
Go to Gas Monkey Garage and meet Richard.
Oh, and he wanted a T-shirt too.
Then he triple-dog-dared me to do it.
So Jess & I decided that while the kids were at Shelley's preschool on Monday that we would get our mani-pedis, visit Gas Monkey Garage, and we even had a reservation for lunch at Gas Monkey Garage Bar & Grill!
Sunday afternoon on our drive back from the Tough Mudder, this happened as we go into Dallas (really, all 4 finally asleep??), so we figured since they were all sleeping we should take a detour and find out where Gas Monkey Garage was so it would be easier to find the next morning.
We found it, and of course everything was gated and locked up. The sign said they were open from 8-4 during the week so we figured we'd at least be able to get in to actually see that gas money swag van the next day.
When we got there we got our of the car and immediately realized we were the only chicks there checking the place out. Then Jess saw Aaron walking across the parking lot and he waved as she yelled his name. He grabbed a bunch of bags out of his truck and was heading over to a town car that was waiting for him....so when Jess asked if we could get a picture please he said he was sorry but he was running really late.
Well, there was this other guy with his 2 teenage sons who was trying to get a photo too so he told us to stick with him. He, however, went behind the gate with the sign that said "NO ENTRY, Filming in Progress".
Jess & I wanted a photo but we weren't willing to get in trouble and go past a no entry sign. We look over and Aaron is taking a photo with the guys who didn't follow the rules! What the hell! No fair!!
So Jess yells to him again, "can we get a photo Plleeeeeeeease??", and he asked if we had it ready to take right now and we said yes and ran over. We snapped our pic quick and he was on his way.
We then went into the building where they have a gift shop, and while we were in there I overheard some guy on the phone telling someone the guys weren't even there, that they were filming something in Florida. So I guess that's where that town car was taking Aaron. To the airport.
We caught him just in time!
I got Tshirts for Me, Ry & Aidan (who is also a huge fan of the show). I also got a gas monkey sticker for Aidan which he promptly put on his shirt when I gave it to him!
Halfway back to Houston that day (it's a 4.5 hr drive from Dallas), We stopped for lunch and Aidan looked down at his gas monkey sticker and said very sulkily " I wanna go to Gas Monkey....".
I decided when I went back the next weekend for the 5k that I would stop and bring him.
We got there Friday afternoon and pulled in and the damn Gas Monkey Swag Van wasn't even there to get a picture with. Total disappointment.
I had Mason standing at the gate yelling "hey guys!!" into the garage because I was hoping if someone heard a tiny voice, maybe they would come out. No luck. By now, Aidan was crying because he wanted to meet "the dudes". My heart was breaking. It's so hard to disappoint your kid!!
But of course, Jess pulled through again!!!!! She called to tell me she just saw on Facebook that Richard was over at the Gas Monkey Bar & Grill and there was some event going on, and he told people to come check it out. The bar is only 5 minutes from the garage so we swung by there and lo and behold,
I opened the door to the outdoor deck, and there he was.
In all his hot, tattooed glory.
I was totally star-struck, but luckily Aidan was chatting him up. Aidan had drawn a pic of Richard on his doodle pad so he had brought it to show him. He showed it to Richard, and both boys gave him high fives, I got our pic and we left.
My mind was still reeling, I couldn't believe how lucky it was that Jess had gotten us this chance!
I have now officially begun asking Ryan to move to Dallas.
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