Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter 2012

We had lots of fun around Easter this year!
We went to the Promenade for the arrival of the easter bunny where Aidan refused to have his picture taken in front of the cool green screen, and then when we got to the Bunny for the real picture he freaked out, which is very unlike him. Meh, who knows what his deal was that day......

So, 2 cute pictures of Mason by himself!

The weekend of Easter Michele invited us and Jess and her kids to her church's easter egg hunt.

Well, all of the kids had a blast! Sadly Wells & Maddox had their egg hunt in a separate part of the yard so we didn't get to see much of them during the mayhem.

Once Aidan and Austen each found an egg and realized there was candy inside they pretty much stopped gathering more eggs and sat down to eat their candy haha! I think they ended up with 6 eggs between the 2 of them. A pretty sad haul considering the other kids were filling their baskets!!
After the egg hunt we headed to the playground and let the boys burn off some more of that toddler energy.

After we got home from the park we colored our eggs with Daddy.

Mason helped by eating a cookie and watching ;)

Easter morning started waaaaay too early in my opinion. Mason woke up crying at 6am and of course his crying woke Aidan who then remembered the Easter Bunny had come and started to run down the stairs. Once he made it to the kitchen we sat the boys on the floor and gave them their baskets. Please note the one photo where Aidan is pouting.

It's because Ryan told him he couldn't have a peanut butter cup at 6:15 in the morning, haha!
After Aidan found all of the plastic candy-filled eggs in the living room I made us a Quiche (or Egg Pie as Grandpa says....because real men don't eat quiche), and then Ryan went golfing with some of the guys from work.

 We had a very relaxing day with just the 4 of us and we ended it by going to the park where the kids had a blast. Mason even likes the baby swings so much now that he absolutely flips out when we take him out.
I hope you all had an amazing Easter too!!

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