Friday, February 3, 2012

Disney Day 2-part 2

After nap time we decided to walk over (yes, you can walk from The Contemporary!) to Magic Kingdom, and we were very excited to see that all the Christmas decorations were still up!!

Believe it or not those Christmas decorations would all be taken down that very night after the park closed because when Aidan and I showed up the next morning they were all gone!! I was so glad we had gone to Magic Kingdom when we did!
I tried to get Aidan's picture at the entrance of the park but he was pouty and wanted none of it!  When we got inside we got in lone to meet Tigger and Pooh but after being in line for 2 minutes Aidan wanted to leave, so we did.

I got this great shot of Aidan's first real viewing of Cinderella's castle. After that he became obsessed with it and kept asking if we could go in it (every day we were at MK we had to walk through the castle as per Aidan's request). 

I love the sheer look of Awe on his face:

Our next stop was Pirates of The Caribbean, which I thought might be too scary but there was only one part where the ride went totally black and we went down a quick drop that Aidan freaked out. Once we came back out into the "story" he was OK. He'll actually tell you that it's only scary at one part. But he'll also tell you he doesn't like Jack Sparrow, haha.

On our way out we saw Pirate Goofy was taking pictures so we got in line for that and Aidan was a little shy but warmed up quickly!

Aidan then decided he wanted to go on the Carousel, or "Horsey Ride". 


There is no more boring ride than the carousel but hey, he had fun.

At the end of the night there was a light show called Wishes (or something like that). The castle was lit up with all of the pictures that people have sent in to the Disney Memories site (maybe the one I sent of Aidan touching Pooh's nose last year was in there...who knows?) They even played some of the submitted home videos too.

Then they started lighting up the castle with different holiday styles such as making it look like a gingerbread house or striped like a candy cane, etc etc.

 The fireworks were fun and Aidan got to sit on Daddy's shoulders to watch the show while I snapped my pictures.
When the fireworks are over it means the park is's the same every night and probably has been that way since the park opened way back when.

But instead of fighting the angry mob all trying to cram down Main Street to exit, we meandered over to the front of the castle so I could get some pictures of it head-on with all it's holiday icicle lights.



Then home we went to rest up for another fun-filled day...... be continued.

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