Saturday, November 5, 2011

the F-U-P truck

True Story:
For some reason Aidan keeps referring to the UPS truck as an FUP truck.

(OK, so initially he was calling it the F-U truck, which had Stacy and I giggling on our trip to the Cider Mill when he saw one pull out of the parking lot...)

But I digress.

Aidan also has a basketball themed bedroom furniture set. Basically because it was on sale, and the kid needed a dresser. It's not my favorite style of furniture, but it's cute and does the job. It has a white board and a cork board on the side of the back mirror, and on the side it even has a little locker.

He loves that locker. In fact, he's been known to stuff it full with all his stuffed animals, aaaaand then freak out because he forgot they were in there and he can't find them. 

But, I digress again.

the point of all this information is that Aidan has recently taken to climbing inside the locker on this dresser, telling me he is getting into his F-U-P truck and is going to work.

he is quite content to climb in and out closing the door behind himself for an extended period of time.

Boy, is he easy to entertain!


  1. Bahaha! I didn't see this post before. I'm glad it's no longer referred to as the F-U Truck!

  2. That is so beyond hilarious! I'm cracking up here!
