Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes.....

Here are some things that Aidan has said recently that have made me chuckle:

While I was doing some sort of task, he praised me with "good job, Mommy"

Today while in his pirate pool he said "I'm habbing fun!"

I told him he needed to go upstairs and take a bath and he started up the stairs and said "I have to hop in da shower"

Eating a PB&J for lunch he kept saying "yummy, tummy, yummy, tummy"  then started trying to sing the Yummy yummy yummy I got love in my tummy song from a TV commercial. He then stated "I sing song 'bout yummy tummy"

Tonight he decided to grab one of my books and lay on his belly "reading" it. When I told him it was time to get ready for bed he said "I'm too busy". I stood there trying not to laugh my ass off and he turned back around and said again "I'm busy, Mommy" and then went back to "reading".

We went to a BBQ at Dr. Rovito's house on Sat, and he proceeded to call him and his wife Dr and Mrs "Dorito".....

While at Kohl's today I told him it was time to go home and he said he didn't want to so I asked him if there was anything else he needed while we were there and he randomly responded with "yeah, a epps you eee" which is "SUV". What??

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