Friday, January 14, 2011

A day full of boys

A friend at work was selling cookie dough as a fundraiser, and when I saw the "playdough cookie dough" I just had to have it. The slogan was "cookies you sculpt before you eat!" Seriously, how could I pass that up?

Well instantly I knew Aidan was too young for this type of fun and adventure, so I called in the big boy cavalry.

Wells and Maddox came to the rescue.

I was also watching Austen that day so I figured even if the little guys couldn't help create the cookies, they could at least enjoy the cooked result, and boy was I right!

The finished product

Wells and Maddox got right to work mixing colors and cutting out some great shapes. And oh, there were sprinkles too of course.

Enjoying their creations

After Wells and Maddox ventured off home, the A-Team resumed their normal activities, such as spying around the neighborhood from the front window, as well as the kitchen window. I don't know what is so exciting out there in the dead of winter, but those two boys love checking it all out.

They are the perfect example of Monkey-See, Monkey-Do, and we all know Monkey gets in trouble too.

During the rare moment that Aidan wasn't screaming  his head off  because he didn't want to share his toys(or even let Austen look at him), they had mischief in their eyes. See for yourself:

"I say when she's not looking we make a break for the pantry...that's where she keeps the cookies!"

It sure is a good thing they are working on mastering doorknobs; they almost got in, but I foiled their cookie heist...

The house looked like a daycare threw up in with the destruction these two lil guys can manage, but they were definitely entertaining! Even after Michele and her boys helped pick up all the blocks before they left...they all managed to find their way across the room and under the furniture all over again!

Toddler Tornado times two!

1 comment:

  1. Cute Cute Cute! I love UP TO NO GOOD, and CHEESE the best. Thanks for having us over. My guys were on their best behavior with the sprinkles. I have pictures where you can't even see the pan!
