My boys like watching Gold Rush and Bering Sea Gold on the Discovery Channel. The big machines seem to be the draw if you ask me.
Usually the household preference is Gold Rush, the show that "Parker is on" as Aidan refers to it, and only occasionally do we get to catch the Bering Sea one.
Apparently it has still made a impression on Aidan because he had me cracking up the other day as we were on our way to pick up Mason's antibiotics for his ear infection when he took the straw from his juice box, put it in his mouth and turned it upside down telling me it was his snorkel. Well, he didn't say snorkel but he told me he was "undersea diving" for gold.
We had to wait for Mason's prescription, and while we did so Aidan entertained the girls behind the counter as well as other customers by continuing to pretend he was "undersea diving" in the waiting area.
This consisted of jumping off the chairs to the floor (jumping into the water) and pretending to swim around the waiting area (ocean).Once he was done diving for gold he started bringing me lobsters and some jewelry he was finding in the ocean for the lobsters to wear. This proved to be too much for the girl behind the counter who was laughing pretty hard by now.
I wish I had video of it but Mason had my phone to play with while we were waiting since the poor kid was having a rough sick day.
Ah just another day in my life with 2 little Lawless monkeys.