When Michele had mentioned that the vacation bible school at her church lets kids participate at 2 years old I just knew I had to send Aidan. (It didn't hurt that Michele was also going to be one of the Teachers in his group)
I'm so glad I did because he had the time of his life!
It was from 6-830 each night from Mon-Fri, and it completely exhausted him, but he sure did push on!
The first night I dropped him off and when I went back to get him I found all the kids in his "nursery" group making "drawings" on the table with shaving cream and having a blast.
After they cleaned up they got together with all the older kids and sang some songs before it was time to go.
Even Mason made himself at home....
Throughout the week he came home with lots of stories, and was so wiped out but he was loving every minute of it.
The final night they got to launch their own rockets which had a "prayer" attached to it which they had written.
After all the kids had launched their rockets the families were all invited inside for the final celebration (Grandpa Larry and Gramma Di had come for the finale while Daddy stayed home so Mason could go to bed). They started by giving each child the mic and asking them to say what they had put in their prayer for their rocket. Aidan was the youngest so he got to go first.
Apparently Aidan is thankful for: "his Mommy, Daddy, Brother Mason, the UPS man and the FedEx truck".
~Insert laughter from audience here~
Only my kid.
After all the songs and a slideshow of the week's events were over there were treats for everyone and then Aidan was whisked off home to bed.
After all, he had a big Mickey party the next day!!!(more on that to follow)