A few weeks ago we finally got together with Meg who believe it or not lives just an hour away in Philly. What took us so long to finally get together, I have NO idea, but it feels just like old times when we're together. Wow, and I guess I mean OLD since we've been out of high school for 10 years now....
But I'm glad we finally re-connected!
I took my first trip with both boys alone to Philly this past week to meet Meg at the Philly Zoo.
Aidan is definitely getting to the perfect age for things like the Zoo and he had a blast. In fact he fell asleep on the ride back home and when he woke up he said:
"we can't go back home, we have to stay at the Zoo".
While we were there I decided to take a risk and buy Aidan a ticket to get his face painted. I had no idea if he would sit still or not, and believe it or not he did! He chose to get the Puppy look and sat still and chatted away happily to the girl who was painting it.
Just as she finished he wiped his nose and ruined some of it so she re-did it and we convinced him not to touch it.
Then he decided he didn't like it and kept asking me to "take the puppy off", so I pulled out the baby wipes and scrubbed his little puppy face off. It was pretty sad because it was so stinking cute. But at least i got pictures!
Aidan was hiding in this box at the Gorilla exhibit because he was freaked out by them, and I know this is a crappy picture with all the glare, but it was the only one that I got where you can see the Gorilla walking around behind him.
Aidan was also quite fascinated by any exhibit that had water. Here he is staring through a fence at a small stream. We had to try really hard to convince him to keep moving on to a real exhibit!
And finally, a peacock that was just chillin right up at the edge of it's enclosure, letting us get some real close pictures.